i am connected to my feet

TS Elliot: “hell is where nothing connects”

Our yoga practice gives us the experience of connection.

We all come from a culture that teaches safety is to be found in separation. This creates an underlying tension, I believe, because deep down we are connected and we all crave intimate connection.

We know that what happens over there, also effects us over here.

In our bodies, this may show up with the simple list of inadequacies we show up with. My shoulder hurts, my legs are really tight, I’m not very flexible, I’m not very good at yoga.

What we think effects the way we feel about ourselves.

Yoga is not about results or the most advanced variation of a pose. It simply asks us to begin where we are, at the place everyone begins,

with our relationship to our bodies.

We show up and just breathe.

We breathe space into our stiffness and into our inflexibility. Energy begins to flow and move and release as we open. We remember our feet in a posture when our focus is elsewhere.

This thoughtful attention expands like the ripple affect on a pond all through our bodies.

The transformation is miraculous as the practice begins to break through layers of separation and bring us deeply to ourselves.

Our mind enters an ancient dance with our bodies

and we experience connection.


self love


Dynamic Exchange